Sadly, only 13% of young adults aged 18 to 24 have ever owned a photo album. With smartphones in just about every pocket in the country, popular apps like Instagram and Snapchat are thriving as the most successful photo companies.
According to Business Insider, 27% of U.S. teens considered Instagram their most important social network, a drop from 33% as previously research showed. Snapchat claims that their photo company reaches 41% of all 18 to 34 year olds on any given day.
“There’s a certain type of audience on Snapchat and I don’t think it’s going to slow down at all,” said Nick Cicero, CEO and founder of Belmondo, an analytics company that works alongside Snapchat. “Most of the customers we work with said they don’t plan to stop creating on Snapchat any time soon.”
Paste Magazine reports that because of Snapchat’s growing popularity, Instagram decided to replicate some of Snapchat’s features into their platform. Instagram added Instagram Stories to their app, which replicates Snapchat’s original stories feature. Many users of both apps were upset over the new features.
“Instagram is proving to be knock off hacks,” said Matt Lowe, an avid Snapchatter and creative photographer, who goes by the name @Wolfwhiperer. “My first impression was, ‘Wow, this is exactly like Snapchat, but they [Instagram] have more users and are more mainstream so more they’re going to destroy Snapchat. Obviously, after taking a deeper look at things, Instagram’s whole thing is ease of use and basic features. Less of the Snapchat filters and that kind of thing.”
Other digital photographers were quick to defend the harsh criticisms Instagram received from angry users in favor of Snapchat. Victoria Wright, a creative photographer from Seattle, wasn’t thrilled when she first learned about Instagram Stories, but she started appreciating the feature once she began using it more.
“On Instagram, people can find me several different ways,” said Wright. “Whether it’s Instagram promoting me as a suggested user, or the explorer page, or seeing my interactions on other’s images… I’m not hard to find.”
Wright uses the new feature to promote her professional photographer work and believes it’s a great opportunity to share a portion of a project she’s currently working on as a sneak peak.
Photographers React to Instagram’s New Snapchat-Like Features