Category: Featured

  • Olive Garden to Reduce Carpet Cleaning Services

    Olive Garden to Reduce Carpet Cleaning Services

    In an effort to save money, the board of directors overseeing Olive Garden has decided to stop using carpet cleaning services — or at least not as often. reports that the heads of Darden Restaurants, Inc., the parent company that owns Olive Garden, LongHorn Steakhouse, and other chain restaurants, are squeezing every penny to…

  • OPM Denies Liability in Government Data Breach Despite Obvious Neglect

    OPM Denies Liability in Government Data Breach Despite Obvious Neglect

    In early June, U.S. government officials admitted that there had been a data breach into federal computers, whereby employees’ personal information was possibly leaked — but officials conveniently neglected to admit that security-clearance information had been stolen as well, making it one of the largest thefts of government records. It was clear right from the…

  • Chinese Authorities Seize 40-Year-Old Smuggled Meat

    Chinese Authorities Seize 40-Year-Old Smuggled Meat

    China’s shipping industry is massive. About 40 years ago, Asia was the poorest country on the face of the Earth — twice as poor as Africa is today — and it now has the fastest growing economy, and is twice as rich as Africa. According to the latest data available from the World Shipping Council,…

  • New Research Reveals Individualized Treatment Possible for Diseases

    New Research Reveals Individualized Treatment Possible for Diseases

    It seems that new research is coming out every day, further enhancing our knowledge of the human body and its various weaknesses. A recently discovered approach may mean that we can use precision medicine to tailor treatments to each patient. In 2013, a woman named Holly Boehle went to the Mayo Clinic. She had breast…

  • Freakishly Large Saw Blade Slices Through Hood of Truck, Miraculously Misses Driver

    Freakishly Large Saw Blade Slices Through Hood of Truck, Miraculously Misses Driver

    Each year, 1.24 million people die in car accidents across the globe, according to the World Health Organization. Only 28 countries, which account for just 7% of the world’s population, have comprehensive road safety laws covering drinking and driving, speeding, and failing to use motorcycle helmets, seat-belts, and child restraints. In the United States, three…

  • Venezuela, No Longer an Oil Industry Leader, Agreed To Sell Its 50% Share in the Chalmette Refinery

    Venezuela, No Longer an Oil Industry Leader, Agreed To Sell Its 50% Share in the Chalmette Refinery

    The state of Venezuela’s oil industry — like the rest of the country, really — continued to decay after a recent announcement that ExxonMobil Corp. would be ending its partnership with Venezuela’s national oil company, Petróleos de Venezuela SA (PdVSA). The two corporations currently have a joint ownership on one particular refinery in Louisiana, but…

  • The FBI Is Investigating Medical Power Tools Linked to the Spreading of Cancer

    The FBI Is Investigating Medical Power Tools Linked to the Spreading of Cancer

    The Federal Bureau of Investigation is now leading an investigation into a device which may be responsible for spreading a deadly cancer. Morcellators are medical power tools used to perform hysterectomies, procedures that remove the uterus to treat uterine fibroids. Basically, morcellators break the tumors up into smaller pieces, so they can be more easily…

  • Bakersfield Doctors Lead Seminar on Skin Cancer

    Bakersfield Doctors Lead Seminar on Skin Cancer

    On June 9th, two oncologists in sunny Bakersfield, California led a public lecture on the dangers, signs, and symptoms of skin cancer. The Bakersfield Californian reports that Dr. Luis Mariscal and Dr. Constance Stoehr led the public lecture and lunch in the San Joaquin Community Hospital (SJCH). Entitled “Skin Deep,” the lecture warned that the…

  • Mississippi Is the Most Obese State in the Nation For the Second Year in a Row

    Mississippi Is the Most Obese State in the Nation For the Second Year in a Row

    Calling the U.S. obesity epidemic an “issue” would be to grossly understate matters. According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, more than two-thirds (68.8%) of adults over the age of 20 are considered overweight or obese, and more than one in 20 are extremely obese. Consequently, the U.S. is plagued…

  • 100-Year-Old Tuberculosis Vaccine Could Reverse Type 1 Diabetes

    100-Year-Old Tuberculosis Vaccine Could Reverse Type 1 Diabetes

    A 100-year-old tuberculosis vaccine not only shows promise for treating diabetes, but also for reversing it. Researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital are launching a five-year clinical trial of BCG, an inexpensive generic vaccine that’s been used to prevent tuberculosis for decades, to investigate how it can improve type 1 diabetes in adults. Currently, the researchers…