The most dangerous U.S. state for workers

Though after the implementation of Occupational Safety and Health Act U.S was supposed to be safer place for workers yet there are many states where lives of workers are still in danger, claims a new report of AFL-CIO. The report claims that the most vulnerable and insecure state for workers is North Dakota. It is said that this is the most “deadly and dangerous” state to work because its fatality rate is 18 deaths per 100,000 workers.

According to AFL-CIO, oil and gas industries of North Dakota are more vulnerable than other industries. The director of safety and health for the AFL-CIO Peg Seminario said to reporters that “our focus should be on oil and gas industries because death rate in these industries is extremely high”.

The report further discloses that “Though Texas is the largest oil producing state yet the workers death ratio is slightly lower”.  Besides, AFL-CIO says that the augmentation of OSHA inspectors is not going to address this issue. Every year 3.8 million workers are suffering from serious injuries and this has to be taken very seriously.

It is said that women workers are more vulnerable than men.  Lack of efficiency and technical knowledge, most of women suffer from serious injuries. Apart from this, Seminario said that there are no facilities  available for the treatments of patients.

Lastly, she opined that this is really threatening for women workers. However, government agencies should take serious note of this issue.

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